How to Treat a Cold Sore

A cold sore can be treated using over-the-counter antiviral creams. These creams help to reduce the discomfort and pain associated with the outbreak. These medications do not remove the virus from your body, but they can reduce the length of the outbreak and prevent a recurrence. You can use one of these creams every couple of hours for about 5 days to help heal your cold sore and prevent further breakouts.

There are various treatments for a cold sore. Many doctors will prescribe over-the-counter medicines for pain relief. Alternatively, your doctor may prescribe ibuprofen or acetaminophen for oral administration. If these treatments do not work, you will need to see a doctor for further treatment. During this time, you should avoid eating acidic foods, such as tomatoes, apples, and citrus fruits.

Several medications are available for treating a cold sore. Your doctor may prescribe a prescription medication or prescribe cool compresses. Your doctor may also recommend ibuprofen to relieve the pain. Aspirin is known to cause a rare disease called Reye syndrome. Therefore, you should never take aspirin for a cold sore. If your cold sore is infected, you should not use antibiotics.

In addition to over-the-counter painkillers, antiviral creams and gels can relieve the discomfort and pain caused by a cold sore. These products are available in most pharmacies and may help reduce the symptoms. Topical treatments can be very effective for reducing the symptoms of a cold sore. Some people also find that rubbing the cream into their lips helps with relief. It is important to avoid direct contact with other people with cold sores.

Infection with the cold sore virus can last for seven to fourteen days. If you have an active outbreak, it is best to consult with a doctor or dentist to ensure the condition is treatable. Depending on the type of cold sore, ibuprofen can help relieve the pain and discomfort. It is recommended that you wash your hands frequently. A doctor or dentist may also prescribe a prescription medication. Some patients may opt for other treatment options.

An antiviral cream can help you treat your cold sore. It can help reduce the size and spread of the sore. It is recommended to apply this cream for two to three days. This remedy is available without a prescription. It can be used twice a day. It is recommended that you wash your hands regularly to minimize the chance of the cold sore spreading to your other parts of the body. You can also try applying tea tree oil to your lips if you have a sore that doesn’t respond to the above mentioned methods.

Cold sores are not harmful. They will not damage your skin, and they won’t need medical attention. But you should avoid picking or breaking the blister, which may lead to secondary infections. You should also keep away from sun exposure, which can lead to a cold sore infection. While ice and cold compresses can ease discomfort, you should avoid picking or rubbing the sore. If you have a painful cold sore, you should try to apply a povidone-iodine ointment. You can also apply an antiviral medicine to reduce the inflammation that occurs.

A cold sore caused by a virus can be caused by close contact. You can get this infection from kissing or sharing utensils. A cold sore is the result of an infection in which the immune system is not able to fight off an infection caused by the virus. The virus causes a cold sore to appear on your lips. You can treat the outbreak by avoiding the trigger. It is also important to wash your hands frequently and apply a bandage.

While there are no known cures for cold sores caused by a virus, you can treat the symptoms by applying over-the-counter topical medications. You can use a moistened styptic pencil to apply a topical treatment several times daily. You can also apply zinc oxide ointment to the affected area. However, be careful to avoid touch the cold sore with the eye as this can spread the virus to the eye.

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