What is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia?

BPH is a condition in which the prostate does not fully empty. This condition can cause blockage of the urethra and can cause kidney damage if urine remains in the body for an extended period of time. Some symptoms of this condition include pain in the lower abdomen and in the genitals. Some men also

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High Blood Fats Treatments

The best hyperlipidemia treatment involves controlling your weight and increasing your physical activity. If your triglycerides are too high, your doctor may prescribe medicine. You should always consult your physician to get the right treatment. Having a high blood fat level can give you a glimpse of how you may look in the future. This

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Genital Warts – What is Genital Warts?

What is genital warts? The symptoms and treatments are different for everyone. Generally, the warts are not painful, but may be itchy or crusty. You can choose between various treatment options and discuss the options with your doctor. Some of the most common treatments include: Excision – removal of the warts through a small incision.

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Ingrown Toenails Causes

Ingrown toenails are painful and can be very uncomfortable. They can also lead to drainage or excessive redness and swelling. To treat an ingrown toenail, follow a few simple steps at home or see a podiatrist. Parents should seek medical attention if their child experiences any of the symptoms. If they have diabetes or poor

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Indigestion is a common symptom. People who have it frequently experience a burning sensation in the upper abdomen. It is not heartburn and may be caused by a variety of factors including medications, lifestyle, and food. However, if the condition lasts for more than a few hours, you should visit a doctor. In addition, you

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High Cholesterol Causes

Many people wonder what high cholesterol is. This is a substance that’s found naturally in our bodies and found in many foods. Too much cholesterol in the blood can lead to a variety of health problems, including stroke and heart attack. While there is no single cause for high cholesterol, it is linked with genetic

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What Are the Causes of High Blood Pressure?

There are many different causes of high blood pressure. Your doctor will first recommend a lifestyle change that will lower your pressure. A healthy diet and daily exercise are two easy ways to lower your blood pressure. Additionally, you should make sure you take your medications properly. If you have high-blood-pressure medication, you should take

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High Blood Fats and Medications

Heart disease and hyperlipidemia are major risk factors for developing heart problems. Over half of the US population has one or more risk factors. The American Heart Association and the World Federation recommend living a heart-healthy lifestyle. Treatment options for high triglycerides include statins and supplements. However, people with diabetes or a family history of

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The Signs and Symptoms of Different Syphilis Types

The symptoms of different syphilis types include neck stiffness, headaches, and irritability. Secondary syphilis is often asymptomatic and may only lead to a painful rash. It usually takes three to six weeks for symptoms to appear, and the infection is transmitted during the latent period, which can last up to 20 years. A doctor can

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Heart Disease Causes

There are many causes of heart disease, from genetics to lifestyle. The most common risk factors include smoking, high cholesterol, and obesity. However, there are also several factors that increase the likelihood of developing heart disease. These risk factors are easy to control, and they can even be changed. Listed below are the most common

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