Lingual BracesLingual braces are one of the treatment solutions available to patients who require orthodontic treatment for cosmetic purposes. There are certain specific brand names which are linked with this method.

They do not have quite the same outward appearance of traditional dental braces as they have been fixed in position on the inside of the individual’s teeth. This position means they are more or less invisible to others and the patient can go through orthodontic treatment and not have to suffer the embarrassment of their facial appearance being affected by the obvious appearance of braces. Therefore, many people who have a little more money to spend and might be in high profile positions but would like the vast improvements it may make to their facial appearance often choose this option.

Even though the positioning of the orthodontic hardware fitted in the patient’s mouth is unlike that found with the fitting of traditional dental braces, the techniques and materials used are generally quite similar. I

The main benefit of lingual braces is the fact that, at a glance, they cannot be seen easily. They are however not completely invisible and can be detected if someone was to take a close look at a user’s face,

There are certain patients who make suitable candidates for lingual braces and these are adults and teenagers who are older. The teeth also must be fairly small in size, but not exceptionally small.

Only an assessment by an orthodontist can determine who has a suitable set of teeth for lingual braces.

Who offers treatment with lingual braces?

Not every orthodontist offers teeth straightening treatment with lingual braces, so finding a provider is not quite so easy. This method has been around from the 1970′s and its popularity has waxed and waned through periods of both decline and growth that is due to the fact that using lingual braces for patients is not so straightforward as other techniques.

Lingual braces, however, are starting to gain in popularity, even in competition with other types of treatment options. The main reason is that computer aided design (cad/cam) and robotic wire-bending technology are now being used with lingual braces. Dental laboratories can now fabricate customized wires and brackets for an individual which has made treatment with lingual braces far more predictable and easier for the orthodontist. However, due to the sophistication of lingual braces companies who are leading in their marketing require that orthodontists undertake specialist training. This is generally a short training as the fitting of them is not vastly different from traditional braces. However, they do attract a particular market, so this method is marketed towards this group. They are a little more expensive than other types of braces but those with the money available often select this option due to its effect on the outer appearance throughout the treatment period.

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